
欧艺平台app官网下载地址(「专访」IGAVEL罗梅生:亲身讲述 艺术电商这份钱要怎么赚?)

2023年04月21日 07:04 来源于:共富财经 浏览量:

欧艺平台app官网下载地址(「专访」IGAVEL罗梅生:亲身讲述 艺术电商这份钱要怎么赚?)


9月8日-9月16日(周日闭展) 10am-5pm



9月15日-10月3日 中国玉器,鼻烟壶专场——来自一位美国南部藏家

10月6日-10月25日 中国和亚洲艺术品秋拍

刚刚入秋,一如往季,秋拍的战火再次从纽约开始。纽约亚洲艺术周和往年一样,已经成为一项不能错过的年度艺术盛会,而参加亚洲艺术周的拍卖行有5家,除了众所周知的苏富比、佳士得、邦瀚斯,还有纽约道尔和IGAVEL爱嘉福 。IGAVEL与前几家都不一样,它是一个专门提供给合作拍卖行使用的网络拍卖平台,做纯粹的电商服务。IGAVEL的掌门人是资深的中国艺术品专家罗梅生(Lark Mason)。罗梅生(Lark Mason)先生在拍卖和古董行业有着相当资深的背景。他是《亚洲艺术史》的作者,是王世襄《明清家具鉴赏》的英文译者。曾在苏富比纽约总部工作长达24年,历任中国艺术部及苏富比在线交易的高管。2003年离开苏富比后,罗梅生先生创办了自己的古董艺术交易网站。今天听起来,做网络拍卖似乎并不新鲜,然而倒退14年,在互联网发展还没有那么成熟的时期,能够想到做艺术品电商平台不得不说是一个有眼力的决定。





罗梅生:1978年的时候,我有幸从一大批的候选人中脱颖而出,参加了由Derek Shrub先生所主导的伦敦苏富比的艺术课程。Derek Shrub先生是一位非常专业的艺术专家,且是一位通才,对各个领域的艺术都有研究。在完成了长达一年的训练之后,我入职纽约苏富比成为一位综合评估师。这个角色是要针对所有类型的艺术品做综合评估:无论是油画还是雕塑,当然这些艺术来自美国、欧洲以及亚洲地区。在这个过程中,我开始逐渐对亚洲艺术越来越熟悉,尤其是经过了几个特殊的案例——如非常有名的大威德基金的收藏以及大英博物馆和维多利亚博物馆的一些经典藏品——凡此种种都奠定了我的基础,使我在亚洲艺术专家的道路上走得更加坚实。




(9月15日-10月3日 中国玉器,鼻烟壶专场)

美欧艺拍: 具体到中国家具,我知道您也是这个领域的专家,为什么会选择研究中国古典家具?






(9月15日-10月3日 中国玉器,鼻烟壶专场)

美欧艺拍:说到家具市场,在最近的几年里可谓是突飞猛进。您认为是什么因素刺激的? 您从业时间很长,对这些年来古家具收藏市场的藏家构成有什么新的看法?






(10月6日-10月25日 中国和亚洲艺术品秋拍)



罗梅生:1979-2003年,我都在纽约苏富比任职。我有幸在很多个职位上逗留,从综合评估师到线上部门的负责人,所有的经历都是非常难得。但最让我兴奋的还是艺术和电子商业的融合——Sotheby's.com——这是苏富比在线拍卖网站。“拍卖”这个形式的独特之处在于能在一个有限的时间跨度里公开展示作品,迫使买家们做出购买与否的决定。传统上,拍卖只局限于出席者,但随着时间的推移,通过电话竞标可以让更多的人远程参与,进而互联网再次改变竞价模式,让更多的人,甚至可能从未听说过苏富比或其他国际拍卖行的人也可以来竞买艺术品。当苏富比在2003年决定关闭他们的在线拍卖服务时,我可以选择留下或离开——这对我来说是一个非常艰难的决定。最终,我决定创建一个在线拍卖平台,可以让一些中小型的拍卖公司借此接触到大量的客户。于是,我在2003年创立了IGAVEL平台,随后不久,我又创立了自己的拍卖行Lark Mason Associates 。




(10月6日-10月25日 中国和亚洲艺术品秋拍)









长:15英寸 (38.1厘米)

美欧艺拍:其实拍卖平台并不鲜见,比方有salesroom、invaluable、bidsquare,凡此种种,您觉得IGAVEl 与他们相比,最大的不同,或者是特点在哪里?


清代粉彩花鸟纹碗一对 成化款

直径每只:7.5英寸 (19.2厘米)


(10月6日-10月25日 中国和亚洲艺术品秋拍)




高:14.5英寸(36.8 厘米)


(9月21日-10月10日 9月/10月室内装饰艺术品拍卖)




詹姆斯·爱德华·巴特沃兹(英国/美国画家 1817-1894)志愿者号,布面油画,1880

尺寸:19.6 x 29.8厘米


(10月26日-11月16日 珍贵家居装饰和航海绘画拍卖——来自一位知名电影制作人的私人收藏)




IGAVEL 2017春拍 景泰蓝缠枝莲纹瓶200美元起拍 812,500.00美金成交

IGAVEL 2017春拍 明代黄花梨卷云纹翘头案876,248.75美金成交



安东尼奥·雅各布逊(美国/丹麦画家 1850-1921),安第斯号,布面油画,1881年

尺寸:90.1 x 182.2厘米




9月5日-9月19日 来自一位德克萨斯藏家的珠宝拍卖(467件拍品)

9月13日-9月26日 美国南部遗产和其他拍卖

9月14日-9月28日 美国国家航空航天局NASA珍贵老照片拍卖

9月21日-10月10日 9月/10月室内装饰艺术品拍卖

9月27日-10月11日 秋季遗产拍卖

10月18日-11月1日 美国艺术收藏——包括纽约东村60到80年代当代艺术

10月26日-11月16日 珍贵家居装饰和航海绘画拍卖——来自一位知名电影制作人的私人收藏



Q:You are a Chinese art specialist, what brought you into this field in the first place? and could you give me a story about Chinese art and yourself?

A:My career at Sotheby’s began in 1978 when I was selected from a large pool of applicants to attend the Sotheby’s Works of Arts Course in London, headed by Derek Shrub, a brilliant expert and generalist in the fine and decorative arts. After completing the year-long training, I applied for and was hired as a Generalist Appraiser with Sotheby’s in New York. My role was to conduct formal appraisals of all types of works of art, from paintings to furniture, American and European to Chinese and other Asian cultures, owned by private collectors and in public institutions. During this process I became very familiar with Chinese works of art which built upon my year in London where I was exposed to extremely fine examples in the Perceval David Collection, the British Museum, and the Victoria and Albert Museum and many others.

I remember my very first experience with Chinese porcelain at the British Museum. There in one of many cases are blue and white dishes from both the Ming and Qing dynasties, and in particular I remember seeing a three-friends dish created during the Xuande Period of the Ming dynasty. The memory of the deep greyish blue painted design with intense concentrations of color with a fluid and deft painting style starkly presented against a pale-bluish tinged white porcelain ground is still fresh. Unlike other art forms, porcelain is nearly unchanged over time and I realized that my experience viewing this dish was about as close to timelessness as a human could experience in this world. The painted design was nearly unchanged over six hundred years and countless others experienced that dish just as I was experiencing it, receiving an artistic expression from a long-dead artist separated by time and culture but united in our appreciation of beauty. My appreciation was different from those others who saw it because we live in vastly different societies but in that dish none of those differences mattered.

Q:From I know, you are specialize in Chinese furniture,why do you choose to research this category?

A:Chinese porcelain and furniture are opposites when considering how works of art react to time. Porcelain freezes under the hard clear glaze, preserving the fresh impressions of an artist from hundreds of years earlier and wood furniture integrates changes into a new experience for each viewer. How does this occur? Wood is organic and when scratched or stained the appearance is altered, creating a ‘patina’ that reflects how it was used and is a window into its immediate environment. A broken leg is caused by a violent act, sometimes purposeful sometimes not. A stained surface might be caused by an accidental spill or a catastrophic event, or even a loose tile in a roof. We don’t know how these changes occurred, we only know they occurred. We speculate how and why. Furniture was made to be used and admired. It is functional and shows the skill and mind of the creator and the person for whom it was made. It is a book without words, a message from the past in a nearly indecipherable language that defies translation. It beckons and eludes us. It is masterful design, beautiful natural formations highlighted by an educated eye and chosen to be worked into a form that would both useful and admired. It is a fusion of the natural world and human creation. Furniture endlessly fascinates as it interacts with us. We sit, write, lean, and store items in furniture. It is part of our environment and part of an environment from the deep past. Chinese furniture synthesizes the best elements of all furniture regardless of culture and packages these in forms that are meant to be used, not admired from a distance.

Wang Shixiang knew that I was the specialist responsible for the important Chinese collections that were offered in Sotheby’s New York in the 1980’s and in 1988 Mr. Wang made a special request. Aware of my expertise he contacted Sotheby’s and asked that I be allowed to join him in Beijing for an 8 month sabbatical (TRANSLATION NOTE: paid leave from work) to work with him in translating his important text, “Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties.” This experience, of working with an expert in a field I loved and being recognized by him for my own expertise further solidified an already strong adoration of Chinese art and furniture.

Q:Speaking of Chinese furniture, in the last decade, the market of Chinese furniture raised a lot , why? And do you think the collector of Chinese furniture is shifting ?

A:New York is a center for the sale of Chinese furniture because of a unique set of circumstances that occurred while I was working at Sotheby’s in the 1980s through 2003. Many Americans lived in China during the early years of the 20th c. and after World War II and purchased Chinese furniture for their homes and apartments while living in China. Later, during the period after the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China, Hong Kong dealers sold large amounts of Chinese furniture to Americans and Europeans. As the early collectors aged, more furniture entered the auction market in New York and I was fortunate to sell many of these collections, establishing new records in prices nearly every sale. From the 1980s through the mid-1990s incredible examples of Chinese furniture were sold by Sotheby’s in New York and many of these examples are today in public collections in the US or in private collections in China.

The timing of Wang Shi Xiang’s two books on the subject and my work as a translator of one of those books, Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture, refreshed public interest in the 1980s at a time when supplies of huanghuali and other wood furniture enabled both Sotheby’s and Christie’s to offer fine examples at auction. New collectors purchased furniture and symposiums and articles sustained interest in the subject. As supplies dwindled throughout the 1990s and more and more wealth was created in the PRC, the market began to shift and furniture, which had been sourced for NY sales from China no longer made financial sense. The embrace of a wealth creating economic system in China has enabled Chinese collectors to purchase Chinese furniture and each year more and more buyers from China come to New York to pursue fewer and fewer items. Perhaps the apex of the NY market for Chinese furniture was the sale of The Robert Hatfield Ellsworth collection at Christie’s. Record prices were realized in this sale that were set mostly by Asian bidders. While New York remains an important market for the sale of Chinese furniture, fewer and fewer of the early collectors remain, who have retained their collections and the market is making a long-term shift to China. Prices are likely to continue to rise alongside other examples of Chinese art and the market will grow in China as long as the economy remains strong.

Q:You were with Sotheby’s before, what made you leave Sotheby’s and start IGAVEL?

A:I was an expert at Sotheby’s from 1979-2003 having joined the company from my year as a student in the Sotheby’s Works of Art Course during 1978-1979 in London. I held a variety of positions at Sotheby’s ranging from Generalist Appraiser to Director of Online Auctions for Sothebys.com and Senior Vice President of Chinese Works of Art. All were terrific experiences but the most exciting was the fusion of art and commerce as embraced by Sothebys.com, their online auction website. Auctions have a unique role of presenting works for sale in a public forum that has a limited time-span, forcing people to make a decision to buy or not. Traditionally auctions were limited to those in attendance, but over time measures were taken to expand the audience by use of the telephone, allowing bidders to participate remotely. While telephone bidding is helpful, the internet revolutionized bidding, opening it up to huge numbers of people who might never have heard of Sotheby’s or any other international auction house nor realized that great works of art could be purchased by ordinary people. The excitement of being part of this revolutionary change was palpable and when Sotheby’s shut down their online auction service in 2003, I had an option to remain or leave and chose to leave to start my own venture. It was a very difficult decision because I had and have great admiration for the experts at Sotheby’s, many of whom are my former colleagues. Yet the opportunity to create an online auction platform that would enable a small company to reach a large audience was exciting and alluring. After much reflection and much time spent in prayer and reflection, I chose to leave and started iGavel in 2003 and then shortly afterward started my auction company Lark Mason Associates.

Q:You are a Chinese art specialist and the manger of an auction house, do you also collect ? what kind of collection you have ?

A:I do not consider myself a collector in the classic sense but love to be surrounded by art. Much of what we own is Asian and most of that is Chinese but we also have a number of American, English, and French objects that we find pleasing. Perhaps our finest object is a Chinese Huanghuali Canopy Bed dating from the early Qing dynasty. My wife and I purchased this many years ago and all of our three children slept in it when growing up. It is a joy to live with beautiful objects and having these around us both in our work and home inspires us.

Q:When you started IGavel , internet auction was still an undeveloped field, what is the main problem you had ? and how you resolved it ?

A:The early days of online sales were difficult and the greatest difficulty was reliability. It was not unusual for sales to be interrupted by power surges or blackouts or other glitches. These events were maddening because they were usually out of our control. Time resolved most of these issues as networks became more stable but then other issues arose such as non-paying bidders. We instituted a practice that we still follow of requiring new bidders to register and prove their reliability to us so that all our auction sales will be fair to all the participants both bidders and consignors. Our process is very effective and has been adopted by many of the larger companies that sell in the online marketplace.

Q:There are many popular internet auction platform such as salesroom、invaluable、bidsquare; what is the main difference between IGavel and those platforms, and what is your advantage(s)?

A:We are a small company. The other companies do a fine job of providing access through the Internet to auction houses but we are different, our role is not as an access provider. We promote the companies that sell on the iGavel auction site, we promote the works that they sell, and we are actively involved in the vetting of bidders who apply to participate in an auction. We are much more transparent than any other online venue. All our reserves are published and available for anyone to see. We guarantee the works we sell through our auction partners who are called ‘Associates’ and do far more than any company to remove the risk of purchasing an item unseen from a remote location by a bidder. We do this through offering pieces with many clear photographs, published condition reports, a two-week bidding window, and conditions of sale that are the same for all sellers. Furthermore, unlike all of the other platforms mentioned we are highly selective in what sellers are allowed to list art on our auctions platform, in fact most companies who apply to use our service are not accepted as sellers because they are unwilling to have the level of transparency we require. All of these factors combined provide our buyers with a level of comfort and confidence when placing bids on our site, that they are dealing with the best and can trust the information provided.

Q:You working on internet sale for many years, the user of internet-sale or internet auction are mainly collector or dealer or both? And the user of IGavel are mainly from US?

A:Our bidders are divided evenly between professionals and private buyers. We have large audiences of bidders in the US and in China. Our level of transparency and reputation for accuracy and ethical behavior is well known and has resulted in our sales having a large number of bidders who rely completely on our online descriptions and images and who do not view the items in person. Most of the other auction houses that sell online do not provide enough information for a bidder to be comfortable to bid without viewing an object. That is not the case with our company. We strive to provide as much information as possible to a prospective bidder. And have many clients who make purchases site unseen again and again for objects that sell for over $10,000 and even for those over $100,000 purchases.

Q:In the last decade, internet auction developed a lot, what you think the main difference? And what you think the future of internet auction ?

A:The biggest issues with the Internet are trust and reliability. Buyers want to know that what they buy is as described and will arrive without delay. We spend an enormous amount of effort to make sure our customers are given plenty of information about the objects we sell and understand the costs to get the items to them. The growth of online sales has happened as people are more comfortable with buying online, believing that they will be treated fairly. Much of this is due to the rapid growth of Amazon and other online sites where people shop for goods nearly every day. Art auctions are a bit different. Our objects are all unique and require different levels of expertise in cataloging and shipping. The uniformity that is present with an Amazon shipment is not nearly as easy when selling art and antiques, but we are striving to make this experience as predictable as possible for our users and one of our advances has been our recent expansion in Texas where we are building an online art distribution center that will serve the central and western United States.

Q:Now, there are many new internet auction platform poped up , what you think about the competition ?

A:Competition forces us to do better. Many of the companies that are online today directly modeled their platforms after our company. Our company is one of the very few companies specializing in Fine art and Antiques that has been in existence for over 15 years. Timed auction sales with extended bidding was our invention, published reserves and condition reports are still only offered by our company, two-week bidding window was created by our company based on the example originally modeled by Sothebys.com. Vetting of bidders was led by iGavel Auctions and promoting a ‘live’ exhibition with a purely online bidding experience was created by Sothebys.com but adapted by our company back in 2003. The success of selling high-value works on a regular basis for more than $10,000 was unheard of up until recently but common for our company. We continue to lead in transparency of our sales, offering recourse for bidders when items are not as described, and in promoting an ethical and professional standard for the sale of works of art. A major company today is offering sales of works of art left in the location of the owner. iGavel pioneered this approach, saving the owner money by not moving the items and reducing risk of damage. Our first sale of this type occurred over 10 years ago and we continue to pursue this model and other new approaches to online sales. We do not consider ourselves a platform for all auction houses, but only for those willing to take the extra work required to give the customer confidence that what they buy will be what they will receive.

Q:Since 2012, Chinese are market is not very well , many dealers and collectors are not very optimism about the near-future market, what you think ? And because the Chinese government have more strict policy against exports 、imports and currency transaction. Hence many people think the overseas market of Chinese art will be going down for a while. What you think ?

A:We are unsure about how the Chinese buyers in China will respond to these regulatory changes. We prefer markets that are open and allow freedom of movement of goods with minimal tariffs or taxes. We also know Chinese people are resourceful and capable of working with regulations in a way that will be lawful yet minimize the impact of these regulations as much as possible. A country that produced great works of art cannot long be held back by regulations whether instituted by China or Western governments. From our perspective, we are dedicated to selling Chinese works of art and are fortunate to be among the top art auction companies in the world and one of only Five Auction Houses participating in Asia Week New York, of which I was Chairman for 2016 and 2017. The Chinese people want to have access to works created in China and increasingly will want to buy works from other countries. A fluid market that is as open as possible is best for all people. If Chinese buyers pull back, the slack will be made up by the many, many individuals in the US that appreciate and love Chinese works of art. Art is universal and Chinese art is probably the most admired of all art internationally.

Q:Recent years, the very fine piece and the cheap piece are sold very well in the market, however the middle-class pieces are not doing so well. As we all know, in the internet-sale section, many pieces are middle-class pieces. Do you think this market trend will make the internet sale doing harder?

A:It is always easier to sell a great work of art than something that is not great. A great work of art cannot be replicated. An average work is replicated which is why it is considered average. But art has different audiences. Average works may be appropriate for locations that are open to the public and not secure, while great works are often in museums. People with limited money want to buy art and strive to get the best that they can afford, and people with more money buy works of higher quality. People make these distinctions every day in the food they buy, clothes they wear, and cars they drive. Art and antiques are no different. Art is appreciated much like fine wine, it takes time and experience to develop an eye and understand the differences between what is good and what is best. As long as the market is relatively free and unburdened by regulations people at all income levels will continue to buy art. Whether it goes down a bit or up is a short-term situation. Long-term we remain optimistic about the market in the US and in China and continue to seek out the best of Chinese works of art to bring to market for our dedicated buyers.
